CYC: Cambodian Youth For Change

Cambodia Youth for Change (CYC) is a registered not for profit school that provides quality learning and play within a safe environment for children of all ages in the rural district of Kampong Speu.We have on average 150 children visiting the Learning Centre each day, availing of lessons and taking part in other activities.

The best learning methods

Teaching methods are important to us, we teach using approved high quality and relevant resources. Learning through play and fun is at the core of our teaching methods to increase children's communication and confidence skills.

Awesome results of our students

Alongside providing education the CYC is a stepping stone to further education, we work heavily with students to develop skills needed for a prosperous university education. Many of our Students go on to University.

Sustainable Education

In order to ensure sustainability of this programme, CYC has asked students who are in a position to make a small monthly donation towards costs. this also encourages buy-in from parents and students to value the education being provided.

  • Pricing Structure
  • Scholarships

    Thanks to outside support we are able to provide a limited number of both high school and university scholarships to promising students who would otherwise be unable to further their education.


    Huoy Sun


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    Lé Houy

    Project Assistant

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